Life goes on December 1, 2019 “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” — Robert Frost
Awareness December 1, 2019 “The measure of your life is the amount of beauty and happiness of which you are aware.” — Agnes Martin
Wander with a purpose November 22, 2018 “Photographing is an emotional thing, a graceful thing. Photography allows me to wander with a purpose.” — Leonard Freed
Fascinated by the human face February 25, 2018 “Nothing is more fascinating than the human face and the human condition.” — Bill Owens
Plastic flowers January 15, 2018 “I dislike landscapes. I only like people, and plastic flowers.” — Elliott Erwitt
Mystery in each of us January 14, 2018 “The mystery isn’t in the technique, it’s in each of us.” — Harry Callahan
Boredom into fascination January 7, 2018 “The Chinese have a theory that you pass through boredom into fascination and I think it’s true. I would never choose a subject for what it means to me or what I think about it. You’ve just got to choose a subject - and what you feel about it, what it means, begins to unfold.” — Diane Arbus
I know them through the photographs January 2, 2018 “And the photographs have a reality for me that the people don’t. It’s through the photographs that I know them. Maybe it’s in the nature of being a photographer.” — Richard Avedon
What you can't see January 1, 2018 “Lately I’ve been struck with how I really love what you can’t see in a photograph.” — Diane Arbus
Obvious, profound December 30, 2017 “A portrait! What could be more simple and more complex, more obvious and more profound.” — Charles Baudelaire, 1859
Is anything what it appears to be? December 11, 2017 “Photography deals exquisitely with appearances, but nothing is what it appears to be.” — Duane Michals
Being photographed December 5, 2017 “A photographic portrait is a picture of someone who knows he is being photographed, and what he does with this knowledge is as much a part of the photograph as what he’s wearing or how he looks.” — Richard Avedon
Camera as sketch book December 3, 2017 “For me, the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity.” — Henri Cartier-Bresson
Illuminating the shadows November 19, 2017 “In photography there are no shadows that cannot be illuminated.” — August Sander
Life will give you pictures. November 18, 2017 “You just have to live and life will give you pictures.” — Henri Cartier Bresson
Oh, to be innocent February 5, 2017 “I really don’t have any idea about photography, but I take pictures.” — Alex Majoli
Living color February 1, 2017 “The urge to create, the urge to photograph, comes in part from the deep desire to live with more integrity, to live more in peace with the world, and possibly to help others to do the same.” — Wynn Bullock
With integrity January 26, 2017 “In photography there are no shadows that cannot be illuminated.” — August Sander